Dream Lovers Podcast, Episode 15 – When Kids Dream

Interpreting Kids DreamsFor our Christmas 2021 episode, we had a special guest – Patrick and Sara’s nine year old son Jack Henry! Since he is off school this week, we thought it was the perfect opportunity to talk about kids dreams! Each day, Sara asks Jack Henry if he remembers his dream from the night before. If so, they record it on the Voxer app for Patch to listen to.

Lost in Space

First off, Sara let Jack Henry draw the oracle card from the Shaman’s Dream deck. He drew the “Lost In Space” card, which depicts an angel in space, next to Earth and the Sun. The theme of the card was “Needing Direction”. We often can lose our way when we are going through significant life changes. Parts of ourselves tend to hold us back from the changes we need to make when we face resistance. The oracle encourages us to rest, then redirect our perspective in order to focus solely on the next 24 hours. Then, we can move forward, refreshed and ready to go. How about that for an appropriate New Years / Winter Solstice message?

Kids Dreams – Jack Henry’s Dream

Next, Jack Henry shared his dream with us. As kids dreams often do, it gets pretty crazy! He and his friends Henry and Otis had superpowers. Henry had strawberry milk powers, Otis had emoji powers, and Jack Henry could shoot hot sauce and ice from his hands. The trio were inside of a video game, defeating enemies in order to advance to the final boss at the which was Godzilla. When they reached the Eiffel Tower  for the last mini boss, they found Sara filming a TikTok video while people purified pee! Henry expressed disappointment with his strawberry milk power, in comparison to the other superheroes’ powers. Suddenly, all the boys lost their powers, but Henry gained the new ability to shoot chocolate milk from his hands. Then, they were finally able to reach Godzilla’s lair. However, the heroes didn’t get to fight Godzilla before Jack Henry woke up.

Interpreting Kids Dreams

Next, Patch put on his dream analyst hat. Jack explained that Otis was one of his two best friends, but this Henry was not the Henry who Jack was also best friends with. Jack Henry revealed he had never tried strawberry milk, and he does not aspire to travel to see the Eiffel Tower. Otis’ emojis were mostly happy and angry faces. Jack felt like his hot sauce powers represented his mom, since they both love to eat hot sauce together. His ice power represents his dad, because his hands are always cold.

Patch was interested in Godzilla’s position as the big boss. Since snakes represent change in dreams (shedding your skin), perhaps Godzilla, another reptile, also does. Even though Jack Henry’s conscious perception of Godzilla as a literal giant, murderous reptile, his subconscious could associate it with something else. Could it represent COVID-19, another (real) lethal entity that has killed millions of people worldwide? Certainly, the corona virus has been a huge change for everyone, but maybe none more so than kids. Getting tested and wearing masks daily to school, and getting vaccines must wear heavily on kids’ conscious minds, so it is not a stretch to think these changes would manifest themselves in their subsciouses. In kids dreams, as in adults’, real life friends naturally appear, and close friends help you get through tough times.

Final Kids Dream Analysis

Jack Henry’s dad again focused on the superheroes’ powers. Patch felt like each of the powers actually represented aspects of Jack’s personality that are helping him through the pandemic. Jack said he is the best out of his friends at expressing emotion (emojis), and theorized that the strawberry milk represented his sweet side. Patch tied it all together by hypothesizing that we all make it through tough times by using our own unique attributes, as well as by leaning on friends and family. Jack Henry felt like his dad’s kids dream analysis was spot on! Finally, Patch asked what Jack Henry could learn from this dream. Jack said he could stand to be sweeter and more patient when dealing with problems. Sara used this moment to remind him that the dream could be reminding him that he has everything inside of himself already to handle life’s issues.

Send Us Your Dreams

Want to send in your own dreams so Patch and Sara can analyze them? Email them to us today using the form below.

More about Patch and Sara

Patch and Sara Drury have teamed up assist you in tapping into your own inner wisdom through learning the language of dreams.

Patch is fluent in dream language. He has studied story and mythology, as well as archetypal imagery for years. This is how our dreams communicate with us. One of his deep-set skills, or superpowers, is translating the imagery and metaphors of dreams. Then, we can make sense of what messages they have for us. But wisdom unapplied is like a TV playing in the background – it’s just noise.

Sara’s superpower is seeing people’s blind spots and then helping them to move past those blind spots quickly. She helps dreamers understand HOW they can take the guidance and wisdom they receive and implement it in their waking life to co-create their desired reality. She helps people reach new levels of both personal and spiritual expansion.