Dream Lovers Episode 4 – “Stabs to the Kidney”

Dreams of Knives - what could they mean?Sara starts off the episode pulling the Temple card from from the Wild Unknown Archetypes Guide Oracle Card deck. She notes the significance of that card, since our bodies are temples, which we experience the physical in. Our other side, the spirit, is what our dreams speak to. The Guide saves its description of the temple until last, but not because it is the least important aspect. Sara reads the poignant description of how a temple is accessible to people of all walks of life. The card calls the reader to examine what their priorities are and open up to necessary changes in their spiritual life.

Moving on, in this week’s dream, a listener’s daily routine is interrupted by a sudden knife fight with a faceless stranger. A sense of fear comes over her, since this situation is life or death. As they grapple over the knife, the stranger repeatedly stabs her in the kidneys. When the listener awakens, she checks her lower back to make sure there are no wounds. What a vivid dream! The listener adds the caveat that they are not a violent person, and they have never been in a physical fight.

Knife Fight Dreams Analysis

It may not seem important, but Patch notes that the ordinary daily routine starts the dream for a reason. Since the task is not remarkable enough to warrant knowing what it was, the listener’s subconscious is telling her that her everyday life needs a change. How does she interact with the world and others? We already know that she is nonviolent. Does she avoid conflict to a fault?

The faceless attacker themself is a complex topic. She did not indicate the gender of the stranger, perhaps because she could not tell. Jung points out that when we see our shadow in our dream, it is the same gender as us. Sara made the point that the left side of our body in many circles represents our feminine traits, such as creativity and intuition. It can also represent our mother, as such.

Patch wants to follow the trail of our limited evidence to the theory that the faceless figure is her shadow. Since the dreamer was stabbed in the kidney on the left side, Patch feels she is repressing feminine qualities in her life. The “life or death” urgency of the fight means that the dream is trying to tell her that changing that repressive behavior is a very important matter.

Sara and Patch points out that the specific function of the kidney is to filter. Perhaps, the listener is overly filtering her speech to others. Making herself more clear could be key to succeeding in her life.

Followup Questions For Dreams Therapy

After this initial round of dream analysis, Patch and Sara list questions that would help them better understand the dream’s message. What areas of the listener’s life are she over-filtering? Why does she feel she needs to hold herself back? Based on her experience coaching other women, Sara points out the main reason we filter ourselves too much is fear of judgment. In order to go deeper, the dreamer could point out a specific area where she is too timid. Perhaps it is in dealing with potential clients in her business life.

Once a dreamer can ask themselves questions such as this, they can take steps to change negative behaviors. Then, taking the wisdom from their subconscious in hand, they can ritualize it. Patch suggests writing down their most controversial thoughts down privately. Whether they burn the paper or throw it out afterward, writing it down on physical media will help her to become more brave.

More about Patch and Sara

Patch and Sara Drury have teamed up assist you in tapping into your own inner wisdom through learning the language of dreams.

Patch is fluent in dream language. He has studied story and mythology, as well as archetypal imagery for years. This is how our dreams communicate with us. One of his deep-set skills, or superpowers, is translating the imagery and metaphors of dreams. Then, we can make sense of what messages they have for us. But wisdom unapplied is like a TV playing in the background. It’s just noise.

Sara’s superpower is seeing people’s blindspots and then helping them to move past them quickly. She helps dreamers understand HOW to take the guidance and wisdom they receive and implement it in their waking life to co-create their desired reality. She helps people reach new levels of both personal and spiritual expansion.

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