Dream Lover Podcast Episode 32 – Dreaming Of Casting Out Evil Spirits

We’re back on track with our original format, which is analyzing listener dreams! After a quick reminder of how we teach dream work for self improvement, we moved on to this week’s dream. One of our group members submitted a dream about casting out evil spirits.

A sorcerer casting out evil spiritsCasting Out Evil Spirits – Setting the Stage

The dreamer informed us that she frequently has dreams where she encounters spirits cleaning her home. In this dream, she dreamed that she and her husband had sold the home and were cleaning it for the new owners. While painting an object in the home, she felt an evil spirit present. She commanded it to leave and then told the spirit it was not welcome. Next, she cast the spirit into a pillow, thus rendering it unusable.

Afterward, the dreamer went to the other room searching for her husband. When she returned, the pillow had disappeared. This angered her, and she went to another room, which was filled with many other evil spirits. Frustrated, she yelled at all of the spirits to leave.

Patch’s Thoughts on the Dream About Casting Out Evil Spirits

First, Patch pointed out how helpful the tidbit was about the recurring dream of encountering spirits cleaning their home. Homes can be metaphors for our lives, so it’s easy to make the connection that the spirits cleaning reflected improvements the dreamer was making in her life. The evil spirits, or ghosts, represent lingering issues that are proving difficult to tackle. Patch is personally working with the dreamer, so he can clearly see the specific meanings behind her dream, and knows the dream work she has been doing lately.

So if the house represented her life, was she somehow selling off her life to a new owner? Not in the literal sense, no. Rather, she could have made such dramatic changes to her life that she could be considered a “new person”. Did the evil spirits represent actual malicious entities? Not exactly. The dreamer cast out the “ghosts” into a pillow. For Patch, this would’ve meant something drastically different than probably anyone else on Earth. No two dreamers are alike, so perhaps the pillow held a very specific symbolism for her. Patch originally theorized that the pillow symbolized that more rest could solve the problem. Perhaps the pillow was frilly and decorative, and the dreamer’s subconscious was telling her she needed to pay more attention to the fine details in life to overcome this obstacle.

Sara brought up an exercise she and Patch do with their group members where they wrote their own glossaries. These glossaries contain lists of words, concepts, and objects members associate with each other in life. This helps tremendously in analyzing recurring dreams and specific happenings in dreams. When Patch asked the dreamer about the pillow’s symbolism, she responded that it meant that she trusted solely dream work wisdom to solve the issue in question. Her strategy was not working, since the pillow was not there to dispose of when she returned. The dreamer needed to combine both the wisdom obtained in her subconscious dream with her conscious will in order to solve the problem.

Finally, Patch spoke on the the next part of the dream in which the dreamer found a group of additional evil spirits in another room. He concluded the dreamer’s subconscious was trying to tell her to address her problem with all the tools she had, or else it would multiply into more issues.

Send Us Your Dreams

Want to send in your own dreams for Patch and Sara to analyze? Then email them to us using the form below!

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More about Patch and Sara Drury and Dream Lovers Podcast

This is a podcast for waking up the dreamers of the world. Are you a dreamer? Do you see yourself as a visionary here to fulfill your life’s sacred purpose? Do you believe your higher self is leaving you clues to life, every night in your dreams? I’m Patch. And I’m Sara. We’re certified specialists in the subconscious mind – Every week, we show you how to step beyond the physical and tap into the power of your mind as a mythic portal into the most divine parts of you. We’re here to help you discover your spiritual gifts and wake up. Welcome to Dream Lovers.