Dream Lovers Podcast Episode 14: What Would Your Shadow Do?

Do the shadow work and get to know your unconscious self.Sara and Patch open up by introducing the concept of shadow work. They talk about Carl Jung’s concept of the shadow self, or the unconscious self within.

Shadow Work and Divination

Next, the happy couple move on to the topic of divination. Specifically, they try out William S. Burrough’s cut up method. Patch explains that you pull out a few pieces of paper with random words written on them and try to discern a meaning from them. These phrases could be cut out from any publication – the more,  and more varied, the better. Patch’s preferred number is four, so he produces a jar with four pieces of paper for Sara to draw from. Rather than concentrating on creating a meaningful sentence, you want a canvas that your subconscious can draw meaning from. You should start with a question in mind, and Patch suggested that Sara go with “What would our listeners would benefit from hearing?”

Sara drew the following phrases from the jar:

  1. I have achieved my stated goal
  2. Ancient wisdom
  3. Achieving
  4. Achieve your goals

Interpreting Divination as Part of Shadow Work

Both Sara and Patch marvel at how much variations of the word “achieve” appeared. Patch had cut these phrases out at random, mostly from bank statements he was going to recycle anyway. What could this mean? Patch believes that ancient wisdom holds the keys to achieving your goals. If you do not consult with your higher self, you are missing the picture on meeting these goals.

Comic Book Sidebar Discussion

Sara points out that Patch’s lifelong affinity for comic books must have a connection to the topics of divination and shadow work. Indeed, Patch confirmed that he was influenced by two religious figures growing up: Superman (self chosen) and Jesus (introduced by his parents). Both of these larger than life men represent peak humanity. The journey to connect with the daemon, or peak highest self, began early for young Patch. Sara believes this concept is the main mission of what the podcast and the Dreamers Circle sets out to help listeners with. You were born with all of the tools necessary to reach the goals you were meant to. We are here to help you discover, as well as implement, those tools.

Shadow Work: What Would Your Shadow Do?

As you may have noticed, this episode jumps topics a few times, but it always comes back to the shadow work theme. Patch wonders aloud if anyone would buy a WWYSD (What Would Your Shadow Do?) shirt if the Dream Lovers Podcast offered merch.

His line of thinking goes back to the concept of us being born as blank slates. As we grow, factors in our environment influence us, and then we choose to make them part of our identity. Patch describes this as adding items to our “ego box”. We may want to change innate parts of ourselves, but the best we can do is to repress them. Those traits – all the things we have said no to about ourselves – then become part of our shadow self, and they are always following you. Hence the name “shadow self”. When we tell ourselves things like “I’m just unlucky at love”, we are limiting our potential. Doing shadow work starts with the phrase, “but what if…”, and then gives way to “how can I…”

Shadow Work Homework

Next, Sara proposes an exercise in order to bring the most useful parts of ourselves into balance. It involves pointing out the opposite traits you have noticed that the other person has. Once, Patch asked himself what the complete opposite of himself would be like. He named his opposite “Lance”, and he named Sara’s opposite “Britney”. Britney is a very extroverted, motivated by athletics, and doesn’t have a filter with what she says. Sara sees “Lance” as being structured, like herself. Sara sweats the little details, but Patch is more of a big picture guy. As this exercise continues, it becomes evident just how opposite our hosts’ personalities are. Yet, (author’s note) they are the perfect couple for each other! Could choosing a partner that has so many opposite traits be one way that we conduct our own shadow work?

Finally, our power couple challenges us with some homework. Explore divination, card pulls, your interactions with other people. How is your negative self talk limiting you? What does the opposite of yourself look like, and how would they react to your everyday situations? Furthermore, how would incorporating those traits into your life help you achieve your goals?

Send Us Your Dreams

Want to send in your own dreams for Patch and Sara to analyze? Email them to us using the form below.

More about Patch and Sara

Patch and Sara Drury have teamed up assist you in tapping into your own inner wisdom through learning the language of dreams.

Patch is fluent in dream language. He has studied story and mythology, as well as archetypal imagery for years. This is how our dreams communicate with us. One of his deep-set skills, or superpowers, is translating the imagery and metaphors of dreams. Then, we can make sense of what messages they have for us. But wisdom unapplied is like a TV playing in the background – it’s just noise.

Sara’s superpower is seeing people’s blindspots and then helping them to move past them quickly. She helps dreamers understand HOW to take the guidance and wisdom they receive and implement it in their waking life to co-create their desired reality. She helps people reach new levels of both personal and spiritual expansion.